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Saving Money
Everyone wants to save money. They want to save money at home, at work, and at the store. What can you do about this huge market? Write down your tips, advice and experiences in saving money of course! We all have tricks that we use to save a few bucks here and there, so share yours and watch the readers pour in. Here are some topic ideas about saving money:
Saving money on food is a big one.
We all need to eat. Whether you offer advice on the best low priced
restaurants, offer links to great printable coupons for the grocery
store, or just offer general advice like buying in bulk or using less
meat, readers will throng to hear more. Food is a huge part of every
culture on Earth, so do not be surprised when your blog’s audience
expands. You can even talk about gardening and growing your own food.
2. Transportation
Saving money on your transportation is another big topic. From offering
tips on how to get the best gas mileage in your car to bus routes and
safety when riding your bike to work, you can come up with all sorts of
blog topics for this one. Best of all, many of the alternate
transportation methods are not only cheaper but they are also better for
the environment. Even an idea like carpooling saves money and pollution
3. Rent
We all have to live somewhere, and most of us pay big bucks for the
privilege. From rental agreements to mortgage loans, there is always
something you can write about. Save money by refinancing or scaling
down. Do you really need a three car garage and four bathrooms? That and
much more can be covered in the flexible topic.
4. Utilities
Another thing that comes with paying the rent is the utilities. Things
like water, electricity and phones add up to a lot by the end of the
month. Cutting costs isn’t fun but it can be done. Help people to reduce
their use and get better deals with your blog’s advice and tips.
Making Money
just saving money, people love to read about how to make money in the
first place. From supplementary incomes to work from home deals, readers
will come from all over to find new ways to bring in some extra dough
every month. Here are some topic ideas about making money:
1. Work from Home
Working from home is the most popular search for making money. Everyone
wants to stay home and rake in the cash, but that is easier said than
done. If you have successfully mastered this achievement, then share the
knowledge. If you know about some great online jobs or just want to
point out the scams, then that is great too.
2. Freelance
Freelance work is a lot like stay at home, only not. If you have worked
freelance in the past, hired freelancers, or you just know a lot about
it, feel free to include this information in your blog.
3. Invest
Investing can mean anything from small business to the stock market. If
you have made money investing or even lost it, you can write about it.
Investment news and updates are also appreciated by readers.
4. Jobs That Pay
We all want a great paying job that takes very little work. Or we want a
job that utilizes our strengths and what we love to do. Talking about
the jobs that are out there is important. A lot of people do not realize
what opportunities are in the world. Just because they have not heard
of the job does not mean it does not exist. Show your readers there are
more than doctors, lawyers, and construction workers out there. If you
can include statistics on what the average pay and education level is,
than that is a plus also.
5. Getting a Job
Even when you figure out which job you want, getting the job is often
easier said than done. Helping people to know how to write a resume, how
to write a cover letter, and how to respond to professional emails are
just a few of the ways you can help them out. Interview tips, thank you
letters, and body language advice is also needed. There are a lot of
people out there looking to get a better job; why not help them achieve
their goal and get new readers in the process?
6. Education
To get a really great paying job you usually have to have either a lot
of experience, a great education, or both. Opportunities to get a good
education are out there, but people need someone to connect them. If you
can write about college classes, online schools and continuing
education, then you have a great blog post just waiting to happen.
Spending Money
![How To Blogging For Money - Unique Tips How To Blogging For Money - Unique Tips](
1. Vacations
Everyone loves to think about that perfect vacation spot. To some it is
the beach, with sand, bikinis and palm trees. To others it is the
mountains with snow, skis, and hot cocoa. To others it is a spa getaway
with masseuses, seaweed, and soft music. No matter what the vacation
idea is, you can write about it. Exotic destinations and close to home
trips, hotels and airfare, car rentals and equipment fees, these all add
up and a percentage can go right in your pocket if you send a few
customers their way.
2. Clothes
Fashions change faster than the seasons, so clothing is always a big
seller. From women’s apparel to men’s shoes, to pet bling and kid’s
coats, you can make a lot of money getting people to spend theirs.
Fashion also does well on social media platforms and is a great way to
get your blog noticed.
3. Jewelry
Engagement rings, Rolex watches, diamond tiaras and tennis bracelets are
just a few of the things that jewelry covers. You can write a lot,
especially if you know a little bit about gems, precious metals, and
exotic stones. While it may not get tons of traffic, jewelry tends to
have a high markup, so it is profitable.
4. Gadgets
Everyone wants the newest electronic toy. From cell phones to laptops to
doodads for dad’s desk, gadgets sell. Come the holidays, you will be up
to your ears in new readers looking for that perfect gadget gift. Lists
do really well for blog posts in this category and you can get a whole
lot of traffic year round.
5. Toys
Kids are a great market because their parents want to make them happy.
Some toys are just junk, but others are actually decently profitable.
You can post bout toy safety, the newest toys, or even what age group
goes with which toy. There are endless possibilities and always new toys
coming out.
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